Review of Cycle-2 of the Spiral

The Matrix of Features

In reading this matrix, recognize that the Participative Pluralist-III features becomes possible because of the maturation generated in the Cycle-2Stages. The maturational process is cumulative so even the earliest Pluralist features do not disappear entirely or (in some cases) at all.

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Categories Plutocratic
Conventionalist Transcend'alist Communalist Participative
Source of
Money and
its control
Strengths of
the people
Commonality Fundamentals
Integrating Force Sectional
Expressed public
for each & all
Socially useful
Socio-Political Institution Interest-based
of civil society
Genuine civic commitment
Needs-based policy-making Communities of choice
Norms of
Application of ultimate values Localism &
Individuality Fundamentals
Lobbying &
group pressure
Better relations of the government
and the people.
Self-acceptance Being valued by
the community
Criterion of reasoned fairness
Discussions in
diverse networks
Empathy &
Effective use of
& social pressure
Provision of
Crusades &
Multiplicity of perspectives Accounts of psychosocial
Freedom of
Easy accessibility
via multiple
Personal-Ethical Requirements  
Core Value Fraternity Equality Harmony Peace Fraternity
Civic Virtue Prudence Moderation Integrity Benevolence Prudence

The Three Transitions

Move from the Communalist mode back to Pluralism is possible, but now pluralism is about the new power of community interests.

The transitions and mode principles defined for Cycle-2 are somewhat theoretical because no society has yet matured in this way, Despite the errors, the narrative has been offered as possible, relevant and moving in the right direction. This form of imaginative work may assist a desired future to emerge.

ClosedPlutocratic pluralism ► Conventionalist ethos

In the move Plutocratic pluralismConventionalist ethos by way of a financial disaster, the populace will feel and express contempt, disgust and revulsion at its betrayal and exploitation by the political-financial elites. However, the recognition will dawn that the elites could only benefit themselves through an implicit acceptance and permission provided by the voters.

By recognizing their own destructive tendencies—to be infantilized, to get free-today pay-tomorrow lunches, to borrow and spend recklessly, to be over-protected from risks—the people will be able to obtain their freedom and retake their power.

The Conventionalist mode will seem to most elites like a step backwards—exactly the view of the traditional elites in regard to giving democracy to the masses. Nevertheless, the assumption of responsibility by the people for their government represents a major step forward.

The new politics will be made possible and propelled forward by technological developments associated with the Internet, mobile communications, and computer capabilities generally.

ClosedNew technology will allow people to quickly and simply:

ClosedConventionalist ethos ► Transcendentalist ethos

The limitations of a responsibility that is diffused over the citizenry will become slowly apparent. Fuelled by poor choices, discrimination against minorities and a lack of noble ideals, society will descend into a spiritual crisis.

Fortunately, any spiritual crisis contains the seeds of its own resolution through the awakening of latent spiritual capacities within many. This will manifest as the Transcendentalist mode in the realm of politics and government.

Through its focus on ultimate values and integrity, people will start developing a respect for convictions that give civic political participation a genuine meaning—possibly for the first time for many.

Citizenship will stop being a matter of socialization into blind patriotism as applied in Cycle-1. Instead it will become an expression of personal conviction and willingness as to which community and society a person chooses to reside and contribute.

ClosedTranscendentalist Ethos ► Communalist Ethos

The problem with transcendentalist principles is that they bring individuality to the fore and generate an intense differentiation of people. Many inequalities that were a source of so much discontent and false solutions are now unmistakably perceived as part of being human. This tragedy of individuality will serve as the precursor to the next and last Stage: the Communalist Mode.

Communalist principles express what the original notion of politics was all about:

  • allowing people to live freely while protecting them from aggression or coercion by others; &
  • ensuring that contracts and social goods are protected for the benefit of each and all.

Only at this stage will it be possible for any individual to have an impact, so far as is feasible, within their social group. This impact will be based on a return to effective localism in politics such that subsidiarity applies and there is a genuine devolution of political power and choice to communities.

Once a Communalist ethos is established, a re-worked participative pluralist ethos will be in place. It will not be a utopia. It will, however, allow people to live securely and peacefully, upholding their values and pursuing their interests in a constructive way.

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 27 Jan 2010